Adventures and Beyond

Adventures so far have included anything and everything from a 3 day fasting Life Transforming Event (LTE) to a World Awareness LTE, rounding out with TONS of laughs and giggles, and finishing off this term with a program retreat to Washington D.C.

The Lord has taken me to so many new place within my relationship with Him mostly through reading 1 Peter. It’s a refining process that takes a bit of time, I’m kinda stubborn. I don’t even know how to begin to explain everything that has been going on in my life and the life of those around me.

Right now I’m coming to you to ask for help. Yes, you guessed it! Financial help. This is not just for me, this is for the entire Management Associate program for us to spend a week in Washington doing a variety of different things such as meeting with our state representatives from our home states, hearing talks from pastors in the area, visiting monuments, private tour of Arlington Cemetery, tour of Caissons, a private tour of the capital building, and a scavenger hung around the city with historical facts. We need approximately $5,000 for all of us to go. So far today we have raised $1,283. If you want to follow us and our progress you do so at
We post videos and updates every hour. I hope you can commit to ever a few dollars because every little bit helps and you can even receive a gift with a donation of as little as $3! Please follow the link to see all you can get!
Please please feel free to e-mail me or message me on Facebook with questions. 



Simply My Opinion on World Vision’s policy


I want to throw out some thoughts on the recent World Vision same sex marriage “fiasco”. From what I understand World Vision changed or made a policy that would allow the company to hire Christians in a same sex marriage in the US then two days later reverses that policy due to a number of supporters telling the board that they made a mistake. DISCLAIMER: I AM a Christian and I DO follow Christ.

Thought One:

I believe they did not make a mistake with allowing people in same sex marriages to be hired and it saddens me to know that they were in a way forced to change the policy and their minds. As Christian we are supposed to love people, show them Christ’s love, lead by example, not segregate, judge, or think of ourselves as better than everyone else. Do you truly believe you (the Church) are going to reach the gay community by shutting them out and sticking only to other people who believe to the T exactly as you? The Church has become so close minded sometimes I think it doesn’t reflect Christ at all. We are called to be in the world and not of it; I personally believe that this topic falls under that teaching. It almost makes me angry to see the way that most of the Church treats the LGBT community but for the most part it just hurts me. I thought we were supposed to be like Christ but I don’t see many Christ like actions when this sensitive topic is brought up. Yes I understand why it’s sensitive and yes I know what that Bible has to say about same sex relationships but NEVER once does God say “Shun them! never let them into your lives! Do the exact opposite of everything I’ve taught you about love and forgiveness with them!Sounds stupid right? Yet that is what it looks like the church is doing. I say work side by side with them and show them Christ’s love, show them what God truly teaches in the Bible(which is not gay bashing) and more importantly just be light.

Thought Two:

This is a quote taken from Fox New’s article on World Vision’s recent actions. “But the change drew widespread condemnation, with many donors posting on the agency’s Facebook page that they would no longer fund the sponsor-a-child programs that are central to World Vision’s fundraising and education.”
How DARE you make children suffer because of something like this! You act as if your salvation is affected because of this nonsense and that infuriates me!!!! I cannot believe so many people would withdraw their support from children and act like they are only hurting the company. These supporters act like their actions only effect people that work for that company when actually it hurts the child you are supposed to be supporting. I simply cannot understand what would cause someone to say “Oh no World Vision now has the opportunity to reach more people and I don’t like it so I’m not going to support this child in a third world country.” Do you see where I’m coming from? and honestly I can’t help but wonder how many people actually prayed about it before withdrawing support. How many people had righteous motives and not just upset because they didn’t understand the reasoning behind it or just didn’t want to understand. The color glasses you wear determine how you see the world and situations … What color glasses do you have on? Would Christ wear them?

I do not claim to support the LGBT community or that they are right but I do not hate them. I am not afraid of them. I do not believe that they should be treated with any disrespect. They are God’s creation and children just as must as you or I or even the pastor and his kids. Remember these are simply my thought. Don’t like em= Don’t read em but as always feel free to ask me questions or comment 🙂



I’ve been thinking about you

Hello beautiful people!!! I know it’s been a few weeks and I’ve been thinking about all of you back home and updating you on my life sooo here it goes.

I am at Teen Mania International, they recently just changed the name from TMMinistries to TMInternational, as a Graduate Intern I work in the coffee shop we have on campus called Under Grounds. I am the assistant manager and a Batista. My job includes but is not limited to; stocking, taking inventory, creating new menus, brain storming, making delicious drinks, research and marketing. I work with one other person and she is my manager. We both do a lot and I would be lost without her. I never realized how much work it takes to run a successful business. At 20 years old the Lord has entrusted me with a ton of responsibility. So far everything has been going great and we have a ton of wonderful ideas floating around in the development process. I would have to say that the biggest new is that Teen Mania International is moving to Dallas in August which means… I am too. That’s right… Dallas. I’m not a big fan of Dallas, I much prefer the country or Houston, I think the roads are too narrow and it just looks so gloomy but I have faith that God is leading our leadership. I believe that a lot of good things will come to the ministry through moving to Dallas. If you want more information on that I will be happy to answer whatever questions you have.

Since I’m a GI I get food allotment which is pretty nice because I get to cook my own food. What happens with food allotment is at the beginning of each month they give me a certain amount of money and that’s what I have to buy food for that month. It’s teaching me a lot about watching what I spend. Anyway, I live in a 6 bedroom 2 bath house with 10 other women. It’s sounds like a lot but it’s really not bad. we all love each other and get along pretty well and we have a ton of fun all the time. It’s been really good living with them because they love on me, encourage me, and support me.

While I’m here I still have to fundraise but it’s not as much as my first year. I need about $250 a month and I’m slightly behind right now. I need people to stand with me and partner with me and I continue to grow this year. I’ve already been so humbled in just the short time I’ve been back. The Lord has a lot to teach me and I’ve got a lot of growing to do. I do have two development classes that I take once a week and though it’s not always fun to sit through a two hour class at 8am I know that I will be a better woman of God because of it. I’ve had people say that all I have to do is ask and they’ll help so this is me asking. If you’re a human being, if you’re reading this, if you have clothes on right now… Will you partner with me?  

Supporting me is super easy. You can support me monthly, with a one time gift, or with a every once in a while gift. Either way I’m grateful. I know that this year I cannot do it without support and partnership from YOU. So here’s how you support me.
Step ONE: Click the link —–>
Step TWO: Enter my ID# 2555318 and then follow the rest of the instructions.

Please feel free to call me or email me or comment here with any questions or concerns. I love talking to people so bring it on. Thank you so much! Don’t forget to click the link ;p


Why even bother with plans?

Last August when I graduated the HA I knew that IF I didn’t go to South Africa I would end up back at Teen Mania. OK? Just so we all understand I kinda saw this move coming. What I didn‘t see coming was me having to making one of the most difficult decisions of my young life.

Before I go into the details I want you to know that I stand by EVERYTHING I said in my last post about being an MA in the coffee shop.

My undergrad year I called churches and youth pastors to talk to them about coming to the Acquire the Fire( in Houston. I talked them about the process, life, their struggles, opportunities for them, and really anything they wanted. I prayed for them day after day. I prayed for their kids and their families. At some points I even cried for them. When it finally came time for the event and I could put faces to names I flipped out with excitement just hoping that everything would be to their liking. As a teenager there was a lot of pressure talking to pastors and youth pastors trying to convince them to bring their youth group on to a youth conference with thousands of other teens and all the logistics that go with that. During that weekend, after meeting all the youth pastors and the likes, ATF has a session just for the leaders. During that session they get poured into by an ATF staff member; after that there is a time for prayer and worship. It’s just a time for them to get pray and connect with God with out having to worry about what their group is doing and what not. I got to pray with some of the pastors and God just gave me such a heart for them. He broke my heart for them and their groups. I heard story after story about how close they were to giving up and they needed vision/strength to move this mountain in front of them…I was broken before God right there with them. It was during that hour or so that all the long, hard, exhausting hours became worth it. I don’t know if any of you have ever worked backstage at a conference or a concert but it’s more work in 27 hours than most people do in a work week. My feet, back, legs, and head hurt, I hadn’t had much to eat, and very little sleep yet none of that mattered once I saw how tired those youth leaders were. Even now my heart breaks for them.

The point of me telling you all of this is that this past weekend at ATF, a full year since God broke my heart for them, He reminded me of what He did in me that that weekend and how He used me. Although working in the Coffee Shop on campus would be amazing and there would be ton of ministry moments for me with the undergrads I know that I know that I know my place for this next season is on a bus with about 22 other wonderful individuals driving around the United States putting on and running Acquire the Fire youth conferences. When people ask me why I do what I do I will be able to tell them it is a labor of love and I do it for all the tired, worn down youth pastors and leaders. I do it for the parents that have never seen their teen so on fire or broken before the Lord. I do it because He called me. It was an amazingly tough decision simply because I know I would be comfortable on campus and I felt like by not being there I would be letting down some people I care about. As I was reminded though that my “job” is to please God; not man.

Sooo with all of that being said if everything goes well and I’m right that this is what God wants me to do tomorrow I will commit to being on the Ministry Team.  I don’t know how everything will work out but I know that my God has it all under control.

I enjoy keeping all of you( and by all of you I mean my mom and maybe the two other people that actually read this) updated on my life. There will be more to come!!!

Little side note here: I will have to fund raise so be praying about donating so I can fulfill God’s plan for my life. I’ll post something else about that later but just keep it in the back of your mind and be checking facebook for updates 🙂 


Jesus wants the rose

This video was shown to me multiple times during my first year at the HA. As I think about going back I watch this and I’m reminded of the many lessons I learned and the nuggets that were imparted to me that I now have the opportunity to share with Interns.


I, by God’s hand only, finished my year at the Honor Academy and graduated. It was joyous, flat out absolutely amazing and heart breaking. One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do was say goodbye to my BLOOD family and my FREEDOM core. My whole core decided to stay at the HA for a second year as GIs (graduate interns) while a lot of my BLOOD family decided to stay in various positions through out the ministry as well. I myself attempted to go to South Africa for a year with a ministry called Impact Africa. Through a serious of unfortunate events, including illness, that is no longer an option. I was invited back to Teen Mania as a GI assistant manager in the campus Coffee Shop. I would have to say that I’m overwhelmed with joy to have this opportunity. I know it will be rough and different but wonderful at the same time. I get the chance to pour into first year interns and interact with them on a daily basis while offering them delicious coffee beverages that will keep them going through ministry placement or even as just a pick- me- up for those rough days.

I can’t imaging what the Lord has in store for me this season. I am slightly nervous because every season is different and I’m eager to see what this season will bring; what trials await me, what storms the Lord will bring me through, how many tears will there be, and how many laughs will I share? What light will be shed in the darkness? What new freedoms with I discover or help someone else discover? Where will I be taken this year? Last year was a ride I’ll never forget and never did I think one year would turn into two. I can’t complain though because God makes everything beautiful. I’m listen to Come To Me by Bethel and I just LOVE how it reminds us not to look to the right or to the left and that we cannot be shaken or moved. This song gives me so much peace going into this new season because I know who my God is. I know that though my plans my fail His will prevail. I have great expectations that I will be blown away by my groom in this next season.

As I pack I want to stress, cry, and give up…. mostly because I haven’t really started packing I’ve really just done laundry. This weekend is the Houston ATF event and I plan on attending so that leaves me 2 whole days to pack everything up. Most people would say that two days is enough time buuut most people aren’t me :). Back to packing stress…. While all this is happening I remain hopeful for what is to come. One of my sister’s, Traci, from the HA even sends me a text almost every day telling me how many days I have left. To go back I had to quit my job, I have to say good bye to my parents again, I have to fundraise again, and I have to live in a house with like 10 other women!!! I was reminded though that the Lord calls us to sacrifice and when I look at the big picture it’s not really a sacrifice at all because I will gain so much the loss won’t even matter. I will gain new friends, new relationships of all kinds, and a bigger family.

Hopeful I’ll be able to keep this up posting at least once a moth. Now the internet at TM isn’t always the best so if I can’t post here keep an eye on my Facebook


God gave this to me today when teaching me about my future as a missionary

Bro. Matt's Blog

Many of us here have been in church for all our lives, and with that we have our own expressions. This should not surprise us. Every field has their own terminology and if you desire to work in that particular field, you need to learn what it’s all about! For instance, if you are working on computers and say, “I’m going to boot up my computer and download Windows on my PC, then use Mozilla Firefox for my web browser so I can surf the ‘Net,” you may understand everything I just said — or you may think I’m speaking in tongues.

Christians have their own terms as well. One phrase we tend to use often is the phrase “salt and light.” All of us fall into three categories:

• We may understand perfectly.
• We may be fairly new to Christianity and have no clue as to what this…

View original post 1,091 more words

So Far

I know this blog page really hasn’t been helpful with keeping you updated but I’m going to try to change that. Crazy Honor Academy life. 

So lately I’ve been to the Houston Acquire the Fire where I saw teens lives get wrecked for the Lord. They learned about chasing after Jesus with all they have and how He relentlessly chases after them. I was able to pray with youth pastors that were losing hope, teen girls that felt worthless, and fellow interns that needed strength. It was an amazing weekend in which God’s presence moved over the 4000 plus people that filled the venue all with a hunger for something they were missing. I’ll never stop thanking the Lord that I was able to be a part of that. 


After that I was put in a leadership position here on campus. I am, what they call, an assistant core adviser. I watch over the other three girls in my room, being the person they can lean on, open up to, making sure they have their quite times, checking in on them, and things of that nature. It’s been a struggle dealing with my own spiritual battles and then being in leadership. I didn’t ask for or really want it but God placed me here. 

Jesus has been so faithful to me and has continued to prove His faithfulness over and over again. I am just in awe of the way He carries me through it all. Christ has given me a piece of His heart and that is for Turkey. I’ve been given the opportunity to go to Turkey for two weeks and be a missionary among the people. Risking everything in a completely Muslim country with out holding back. I’m so excited I can’t wait to see how the Lord is going to move. 

I am still raising funds for the Honor Academy, it is a requirement to raise donations for my year here and now I’ll also be accepting donations for my mission trip. 


I’d love it if you guys could keep me in your prayers. Pray for wisdom, strength, and perseverance. If you would like to donate to my year here at HA the link is in the post below. If you would like to support me on my mission trip go ahead and comment or shoot me an email. 


I’d love to be praying for you all. Let me know if there is anything specific. 


Donate to my year at the Honor Academy

This is the link so you can donate to my year at the Honor Academy. All donations are Tax deductible and any amount helps. My student ID# is 2555318.

Thank you so much for all your help.